Driver's Education Classes for Adults

Written by Michael Purser

Americans are legally allowed to start driving as teenagers — as young as 14 years old in some states. Just because you made it to your 18th birthday without learning how to operate a motor vehicle doesn't mean you should skip drivers ed.

Adult driver education will help you catch up on crucial rules and safety topics as you prepare for your first license. Learn where to find adult driver education courses in your area and what to expect as a new motorist with this helpful article.

Do I Really Need to Take Driving Lessons If I Am Older Than 18?

Whether you need to enroll in driver's ed classes for adults depends on where you live. Some states, like New York, legally require every first-time applicant to complete an approved education course before earning a license. Meanwhile, California only mandates drivers ed for teen motorists. Check your state's requirements.

Even if your state doesn't require formal training for adults to become licensed, we still recommend that you complete driving lessons before your road test.

Why Should I Take Adult Education Classes?

Driving is the most dangerous thing the average person does each day. In 2021, 42,939 Americans died in car crashes. Delivery driver ranks seventh for most dangerous jobs in the United States That's almost twice as risky as being a police officer!

If you are going to get into a metal box that weighs north of two tons (an average of 4,289 pounds according to the EPA) and travel around faster than the maximum speed of the fastest land animal on the planet, you really need to know what you are doing. Just reading your state's driver handbook isn't going to teach you enough to safely operate a motor vehicle.

That's where driving lessons for adults come in. Go above and beyond the multiple-choice questions on the state knowledge test to learn what it takes to be a safe motorist. Lesson topics include everything from basic operating procedures to risk-assessment strategies.

After you finish a training program, you will be equipped to safely operate your vehicle in all kinds of situations ranging from rainy day errands to crowded nighttime commutes.

Online Training

You don't have to catch a ride to a strip-mall academy and sit through hours of classroom lectures to get a complete adult driver education. In fact, you don't need to leave the house!

SafeMotorist offers online adult drivers ed courses that allow you to learn fundamental road skills at your pace. Train at any time, from any device, to master traffic laws and vehicle safety. Take breaks as often as you want. We save your progress automatically. You will always come back right where you left off.

When you sign up for one of our 100% online courses, you are choosing a quality learning experience on your own terms.

As you learn your responsibilities as a motorist, you will gain the confidence to take your road test and earn your first license. Interactive scenarios, narrated course material, end-of-module quizzes and more will help you master the information you need to become a safe, skilled driver.

There's no feeling quite like earning your first license. Get ready to savor the freedom that comes with full driving privileges — sign up for an adult drivers ed course today!